Top 91 Best Quotes From 48 laws of power book
“The 48 Laws of Power” by Robert Greene is a widely known book that distills lessons from history about power dynamics, strategy, and influence. Here are 100 of the best quotes from the book:
- “Never outshine the master.”
- Law 1
- “Never put too much trust in friends, learn how to use enemies.”
- Law 2
- “Conceal your intentions.”
- Law 3
- “Always say less than necessary.”
- Law 4
- “So much depends on reputation—guard it with your life.”
- Law 5
- “Court attention at all costs.”
- Law 6
- “Get others to do the work for you, but always take the credit.”
- Law 7
- “Make other people come to you—use bait if necessary.”
- Law 8
- “Win through your actions, never through argument.”
- Law 9
- “Infection: avoid the unhappy and unlucky.”
- Law 10
- “Learn to keep people dependent on you.”
- Law 11
- “Use selective honesty and generosity to disarm your victim.”
- Law 12
- “When asking for help, appeal to people’s self-interest, never to their mercy or gratitude.”
- Law 13
- “Pose as a friend, work as a spy.”
- Law 14
- “Crush your enemy totally.”
- Law 15
- “Use absence to increase respect and honor.”
- Law 16
- “Keep others in suspended terror: cultivate an air of unpredictability.”
- Law 17
- “Do not build fortresses to protect yourself—isolation is dangerous.”
- Law 18
- “Know who you’re dealing with—do not offend the wrong person.”
- Law 19
- “Do not commit to anyone.”
- Law 20
- “Play a sucker to catch a sucker—seem dumber than your mark.”
- Law 21
- “Use the surrender tactic: transform weakness into power.”
- Law 22
- “Concentrate your forces.”
- Law 23
- “Play the perfect courtier.”
- Law 24
- “Re-create yourself.”
- Law 25
- “Keep your hands clean.”
- Law 26
- “Play on people’s need to believe to create a cult-like following.”
- Law 27
- “Enter action with boldness.”
- Law 28
- “Plan all the way to the end.”
- Law 29
- “Make your accomplishments seem effortless.”
- Law 30
- “Control the options: get others to play with the cards you deal.”
- Law 31
- “Play to people’s fantasies.”
- Law 32
- “Discover each man’s thumbscrew.”
- Law 33
- “Be royal in your own fashion: act like a king to be treated like one.”
- Law 34
- “Master the art of timing.”
- Law 35
- “Disdain things you cannot have: ignoring them is the best revenge.”
- Law 36
- “Create compelling spectacles.”
- Law 37
- “Think as you like but behave like others.”
- Law 38
- “Stir up waters to catch fish.”
- Law 39
- “Despise the free lunch.”
- Law 40
- “Avoid stepping into a great man’s shoes.”
- Law 41
- “Strike the shepherd and the sheep will scatter.”
- Law 42
- “Work on the hearts and minds of others.”
- Law 43
- “Disarm and infuriate with the mirror effect.”
- Law 44
- “Preach the need for change, but never reform too much at once.”
- Law 45
- “Never appear too perfect.”
- Law 46
- “Do not go past the mark you aimed for; in victory, learn when to stop.”
- Law 47
- “Assume formlessness.”
- Law 48
- “When you force the other person to act, you are the one in control.”
- Law 9
- “Words are a dime a dozen. Anyone can say the right things; what matters is doing the right things.”
- Law 9
- “One sincere and honest move will cover over dozens of dishonest ones.”
- Law 12
- “Even the most perfect courtier eventually makes a mistake and is caught in a trap.”
- Law 24
- “Never take your position for granted and never let any favors you receive go to your head.”
- Law 2
- “If you make a mistake, do not apologize but rather double down and keep moving forward.”
- Law 28
- “Appear weak and submit when you are actually strong, so that your opponent becomes overconfident and underestimates you.”
- Law 22
- “There is always a simpler, more direct, and effective route to power, if only you look for it.”
- Law 23
- “The harder and more unrealistic you make your fantasies, the more impressed people will be.”
- Law 32
- “Reversals of fortune are inevitable; learn to embrace them and use them to your advantage.”
- Law 29
- “A great trick of courtliness is to assume a pleasant manner, masking your own feelings and letting your opponent reveal theirs.”
- Law 24
- “Leave people feeling flattered and honored by your presence, even if it costs you nothing.”
- Law 40
- “Give others the illusion of control, while you secretly pull the strings.”
- Law 31
- “People will turn to you as a last resort if you position yourself as a source of wisdom and stability.”
- Law 23
- “To gain power, you must be willing to get your hands dirty.”
- Law 26
- “Conceal your true intentions behind a mask of kindness and empathy.”
- Law 3
- “Never let your emotions get the better of you.”
- Law 45
- “By limiting your appearances, you increase your value and demand.”
- Law 16
- “People want to believe that something is simple and easily solved, so give them that illusion.”
- Law 32
- “Charm and flattery are powerful tools in the right hands.”
- Law 27
- “No one will respect you if you do not respect yourself.”
- Law 34
- “The key to power is the ability to understand and manipulate the emotions of others.”
- Law 43
- “In moments of doubt, retreat into your plans, not your emotions.”
- Law 29
- “Sometimes it is best to let your enemies destroy themselves.”
- Law 15
- “Your success depends on your ability to read and understand the motivations of others.”
- Law 33
- “The most effective strategy is to play both sides against the middle.”
- Law 20
- “To be truly powerful, you must be unpredictable and elusive.”
- Law 48
- “You cannot control others if you cannot control yourself.”
- Law 25
- “It is better to be feared than loved, but it is best to be both.”
- Law 6
- “By appearing generous, you can control others without their knowing it.”
- Law 12
- “Make your opponents feel secure and confident before striking.”
- Law 14
- “True power comes from staying calm and collected under pressure.”
- Law 17
- **”In any situation, always be prepared to walk away.”**
- Law 13
- “There is no greater risk than relying on others.”
- Law 11
- “Make people dependent on you, and you will control them.”
- Law 11
- “Timing is everything in power plays.”
- Law 35
- “Appearances can be deceiving, but they are often all that matters.”
- Law 37
- “In the game of power, your enemies will come at you from unexpected angles.”
- Law 19
- “If you cannot win the game, change the rules.”
- Law 6
- “Keep your enemies close and your friends closer.”
- Law 2
- “The best defense is a good offense.”
- Law 15
- “Power is the ability to make others act in ways they would not on their own.”
- Law 43
- “The more you say, the more likely you are to say something foolish.”
- Law 4
- “The more you allow others to depend on you, the more power you will have over them.”
- Law 11
- “Do not take your successes for granted, as they can be fleeting.”
- Law 47
- “In power games, appearance is often more important than substance.”
- Law 34
- “If you must attack, do it with all the strength you have.”
- Law 15
- “Never give away your real plans or intentions.”
- Law 3
- “Never allow yourself to be overshadowed.”
- Law 1
- “Powerful people are those who know how to turn weaknesses into strengths.”
- Law 22
- “The most dangerous opponent is the one you underestimate.”
- Law 19
- “The ultimate power is to be immune to the power plays of others.”
- Law 48
These quotes capture the essence of the strategies and principles Robert Greene presents in “The 48 Laws of Power,” providing insights into power dynamics, influence, and human behavior.