Top 100 Best funniest monday quotes

Here are 100 of the funniest Monday quotes to help you laugh through the start of the week:

  1. “Monday is the day that makes you feel like you’re in a never-ending cycle of going to work.”
  2. “Monday: The day when your coffee needs coffee.”
  3. “Monday is the day that makes you realize how much you love weekends.”
  4. “Dear Monday, no one likes you. Please leave.”
  5. “Monday is like a math problem. Add the stress, subtract the sleep, multiply the problems, divide the happiness.”
  6. “If each day is a gift, I’d like to return Monday.”
  7. “I haven’t had this bad of a Monday since last Monday.”
  8. “Monday is like a casserole of stress and coffee.”
  9. “I can’t believe it’s Monday again. That was a short weekend!”
  10. “The worst part about Monday is waking up.”
  11. “Monday is an awful way to spend 1/7th of your life.”
  12. “Monday is a state of mind.”
  13. “If Monday had a face, I’d punch it.”
  14. “Monday is a fresh start… to another week of stress.”
  15. “Monday, we meet again. Let’s not make this a habit.”
  16. “Monday: Where the coffee is strong, and the will to live is weak.”
  17. “I’m convinced that Mondays are just punishment for the good weekend I had.”
  18. “Monday is the ultimate boss battle of the week.”
  19. “Why is Monday so far from Friday but Friday so close to Monday?”
  20. “Monday is the reason I drink coffee.”
  21. “Monday: the only day when I feel human is when I’m drinking coffee.”
  22. “Monday, I’m not ready for you.”
  23. “Mondays are like a hangover: unwanted and painful.”
  24. “Is it Monday already? Because I’m not ready.”
  25. “If Monday had a playlist, it would be filled with sad songs.”
  26. “Mondays are for fresh starts, but I’d rather stay in bed.”
  27. “Monday is a reminder that coffee is life.”
  28. “If Monday was a person, it would be the most annoying person ever.”
  29. “Monday is here to remind us that coffee exists for a reason.”
  30. “Mondays wouldn’t be so bad if they started later in the day.”
  31. “Let’s have a moment of silence for all the things I had planned for this weekend that didn’t happen.”
  32. “The first five days after the weekend are always the hardest.”
  33. “Monday, you’re like a hangover: unwanted and painful.”
  34. “Monday is the day to be back at work and pretend you’re working.”
  35. “Monday is the day when everything feels impossible.”
  36. “Monday, can you not?”
  37. “I survived Monday and all I got was this lousy attitude.”
  38. “Monday is the ultimate boss battle of the week.”
  39. “Monday: A reminder that the weekend was way too short.”
  40. “Monday, you’re giving me Friday vibes, and I’m not falling for it.”
  41. “Monday is the start of the workweek, which offers new beginnings 52 times a year.”
  42. “The worst part about Monday is waking up.”
  43. “Monday is a fresh start… said no one ever.”
  44. “Monday: The only day I’m not fond of is Monday.”
  45. “Mondays are made of stress, sarcasm, and a sprinkle of coffee.”
  46. “Monday is the pothole in the road of life.”
  47. “Mondays are the only day where everyone feels like they’re in a bad mood for no reason.”
  48. “Monday, why are you here again? I thought I got rid of you last week.”
  49. “Monday is like a soap opera: You watch it unfold, but you can’t look away.”
  50. “Monday is the reason why Tuesday gets so much hate.”
  51. “Monday, your 5-day restraining order is not enough.”
  52. “Monday is the reason I need three cups of coffee instead of one.”
  53. “Monday is like a headache that just won’t go away.”
  54. “Monday, you’re the Mondayest Monday that ever Mondayed.”
  55. “The worst thing about Sunday is knowing that tomorrow is Monday.”
  56. “Monday is the day when I remind myself that I need a new job.”
  57. “Monday is the reason why I need a nap at 9 AM.”
  58. “Mondays wouldn’t be so bad if they started later in the day.”
  59. “Monday is the day I pretend to work while I’m really just scrolling through memes.”
  60. “Monday is the day I need extra coffee to survive.”
  61. “Monday is a new day to procrastinate.”
  62. “Monday is the reason why coffee is a necessity.”
  63. “Monday is the day when everyone looks like a zombie at work.”
  64. “Monday is the start of the week, but it feels like the end.”
  65. “Monday is the day I wish I could skip.”
  66. “Monday, we will get through this together with the power of coffee.”
  67. “Monday, let’s get this over with quickly.”
  68. “Monday is the day I wish I could sleep through.”
  69. “Monday is the day when I realize how much I hate mornings.”
  70. “Monday is the day when I need a nap before lunch.”
  71. “Monday is the day when I wish I could stay in bed all day.”
  72. “Monday is the day when I need a vacation from my weekend.”
  73. “Monday is the day when I wish I could hit the snooze button on life.”
  74. “Monday is the day when I wish I could fast forward to Friday.”
  75. “Monday is the day when I realize how much I miss the weekend.”
  76. “Monday is the day when I wish I could teleport to the weekend.”
  77. “Monday is the day when I wish I could time travel to Friday.”
  78. “Monday is the day when I realize how much I love weekends.”
  79. “Monday is the day when I wish I could clone myself to get everything done.”
  80. “Monday is the day when I wish I could pause time and go back to bed.”
  81. “Monday is the day when I wish I could hit the reset button on life.”
  82. “Monday is the day when I wish I could rewind the weekend.”
  83. “Monday is the day when I wish I could start the week on Tuesday.”
  84. “Monday is the day when I wish I could skip straight to Friday.”
  85. “Monday is the day when I wish I could slow down time and savor the weekend.”
  86. “Monday is the day when I wish I could teleport to the beach.”
  87. “Monday is the day when I wish I could turn back time to Friday.”
  88. “Monday is the day when I wish I could warp time and skip to the weekend.”
  89. “Monday is the day when I wish I could zone out and daydream all day.”
  90. “Monday is the day when I wish life had a pause button.”
  91. “Monday is the day when I wish time would speed up so I can get to the weekend.”
  92. “Monday is the day when I wish weekends lasted forever.”
  93. “Monday is the day when I wish work was optional.”
  94. “Monday is the day when I wish I had a time machine to skip the workweek.”
  95. “Monday is the day when I wish I could hibernate until the weekend.”
  96. “Monday is the day when I wish I could snooze through the week.”
  97. “Monday is the day when I wish I could teleport to the future and skip work.”
  98. “Monday is the day when I wish I could time travel to the next weekend.”
  99. “Monday is the day when I wish I could warp to the end of the week.”
  100. “Monday is the day when I wish I could zap to the weekend with a click of my fingers.”

These quotes are sure to bring a little laughter to the most dreaded day of the week!

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