Top 100 Best funny monday quotes for work

Here are 100 of the best funny Monday quotes for work to help lighten the start of your workweek:

  1. “Monday is a fresh start, but can we get a fresh coffee first?”
  2. “Mondays are the start of the workweek which offers new beginnings 52 times a year… but it still feels like a prison sentence.”
  3. “Dear Monday, nobody likes you. You’re the least favorite child of the workweek.”
  4. “If Monday had a face, I would punch it.”
  5. “Monday is the day to unleash the other 95% of my energy that I didn’t use over the weekend.”
  6. “Monday is like a math problem: Add the stress, subtract the sleep, multiply the problems, divide the happiness.”
  7. “It’s Monday. Time to motivate and make dreams and goals happen… or just hit snooze one more time.”
  8. “May your coffee be strong and your Monday be short.”
  9. “I can always tell how good my weekend was by how many reasons I have to hate Monday.”
  10. “Monday: a day to seriously re-evaluate my life choices.”
  11. “It’s Monday, and I’m already 98% tired.”
  12. “I love Mondays. They’re a reminder that I’m one step closer to the weekend.”
  13. “When life gives you Monday, dip it in glitter and sparkle all day.”
  14. “Mondays are for coffee, chaos, and convincing myself I can handle the rest of the week.”
  15. “Monday is like that person who showed up to the party uninvited.”
  16. “Not sure if I hate Mondays or if Mondays hate me.”
  17. “Monday is the day to be back at work, pretending that I care.”
  18. “Mondays are the potholes in the road of life.”
  19. “Is it Monday already? Time to officially hate my alarm clock.”
  20. “I really need a day in between Sunday and Monday.”
  21. “Monday morning coffee is just Monday’s way of ensuring I can make it through the day.”
  22. “Monday: The day I start my diet… until lunch.”
  23. “Monday, I didn’t ask for you to be here. You just showed up uninvited.”
  24. “Monday is the root of all evil.”
  25. “Mondays are for new beginnings and stale coffee.”
  26. “I’m not ready for Monday, can it be Sunday again?”
  27. “Monday morning blues? More like Monday morning blahs.”
  28. “There’s nothing quite like the sound of no alarms on a Sunday… until Monday morning rolls around.”
  29. “It’s Monday! Time to sparkle and fake enthusiasm.”
  30. “If Monday was a hairstyle, it would be a bad hair day.”
  31. “Monday: A day where I spend half my time wondering how I’m going to get through the week.”
  32. “Monday is like a dentist appointment: necessary but painful.”
  33. “It’s Monday, so here’s to hoping we all make it through the day without hitting the coffee maker.”
  34. “Monday: because weekends are overrated.”
  35. “Monday mornings wouldn’t be so bad if it wasn’t for Mondays.”
  36. “Monday, we meet again. Let’s not make this a habit.”
  37. “Monday is just a reminder that coffee doesn’t drink itself.”
  38. “Monday: the day that even coffee needs coffee.”
  39. “Monday, why you gotta be so Monday?”
  40. “Monday: the best day of the week to drag yourself out of bed and wish you didn’t have to.”
  41. “Mondays are for thinking about all the things I didn’t do over the weekend.”
  42. “Monday morning: when even my coffee needs coffee.”
  43. “I’m not saying I hate Monday, but if it were on fire, I’d probably toast marshmallows over it.”
  44. “Monday is the reason I need extra caffeine.”
  45. “Monday is like a math problem. Add the stress, subtract the sleep, multiply the problems, divide the happiness.”
  46. “Happy Monday! Or as I like to call it: pre-pre-Friday!”
  47. “Monday is a synonym for struggle.”
  48. “I didn’t ask for this Monday. It just showed up like it owns the place.”
  49. “Monday is a fresh start. It’s also a new day to faceplant into your keyboard.”
  50. “Monday is a great day for staying in bed.”
  51. “Monday: the day when even the calendar says ‘WTF.’”
  52. “If Monday was shoes, it would be Crocs.”
  53. “Monday mornings wouldn’t be so bad if they came with a snooze button.”
  54. “Monday is the day that I have to start pretending to care again.”
  55. “May your coffee be strong and your Monday be short.”
  56. “Monday is just Tuesday’s ugly sister.”
  57. “Monday is like a debt collector. It keeps coming back until you deal with it.”
  58. “Monday mornings are when the coffee needs coffee.”
  59. “Monday: I hate you, but I will face you like a warrior.”
  60. “Monday is the day when my coffee needs a coffee.”
  61. “Monday mornings: the reason why I need more weekends.”
  62. “Monday, I’m not ready for you.”
  63. “Monday: the day that I attempt to get my life together, but fail miserably.”
  64. “Monday: because even my bed hates me.”
  65. “Monday is the day to seriously re-evaluate my life choices.”
  66. “Monday is like that annoying coworker who never knows when to shut up.”
  67. “Monday: the day where I’m just like, ‘I can’t even…’”
  68. “Monday mornings wouldn’t be so bad if they didn’t start so early.”
  69. “Monday: the reason I need more coffee than usual.”
  70. “Monday is the day that reality hits you like a ton of bricks.”
  71. “If Monday was a person, it would be the guy who stands way too close to you in line.”
  72. “Monday mornings are like speed bumps on the road to Friday.”
  73. “Monday is a state of mind. A really, really bad state of mind.”
  74. “Monday is the day when you remember how much you hate your job.”
  75. “Monday: the day when all my weekend dreams are shattered.”
  76. “Monday mornings wouldn’t be so bad if the workweek didn’t have to follow them.”
  77. “Monday is like a dentist appointment: necessary, but painful.”
  78. “Monday: The only day of the week when you actually need an extra hour of sleep.”
  79. “Monday is a reminder that weekends are too short.”
  80. “Monday mornings are like stepping on Legos—painful and completely unnecessary.”
  81. “Monday is the day when I realize how much I love my bed.”
  82. “Monday mornings wouldn’t be so bad if they didn’t come after Sundays.”
  83. “Monday: The only day of the week when I need a double dose of motivation.”
  84. “Monday is the reason I drink more coffee than water.”
  85. “Monday mornings are the reason why coffee was invented.”
  86. “Monday is the day when I start my week with a little less enthusiasm.”
  87. “Monday: the day when all your plans for a productive week go out the window.”
  88. “Monday mornings are like a bucket of cold water to the face.”
  89. “Monday is the day when I start counting down to Friday.”
  90. “Monday: the day I spend half my time wondering why I’m here.”
  91. “Monday mornings wouldn’t be so bad if they came with a pause button.”
  92. “Monday is the day when all my weekend dreams are shattered.”
  93. “Monday: the day I need a vacation from my weekend.”
  94. “Monday mornings are like a hangover—painful and something you want to forget.”
  95. “Monday is the day I wish I could stay in bed all day.”
  96. “Monday mornings are when I realize how much I miss my bed.”
  97. “Monday: the day I need a triple shot of espresso just to survive.”
  98. “Monday is the day when even my bed misses me.”
  99. “Monday mornings wouldn’t be so bad if they didn’t start so early.”
  100. “Monday is like a bad haircut—you just have to deal with it until it grows out.”

These quotes should add a bit of humor to your Monday workdays!

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