Top 100 Best funny Monday work quotes

Here are 100 of the best funny Monday work quotes to lighten up the start of your workweek:

  1. “Mondays are the potholes in the road of life.” — Tom Wilson
  2. “Dear Monday, my mama doesn’t like you, and she likes everyone.”
  3. “Monday is a basic reminder that your weekend is over.”
  4. “Monday is the day that my coffee needs coffee.”
  5. “Mondays are for people with a mission. Happy Monday, everyone!”
  6. “That moment when you think it’s Sunday but it’s actually Monday.”
  7. “Mondays are the start of the workweek which offer new beginnings 52 times a year!”
  8. “This is your Monday morning reminder that you can handle whatever this week throws at you.”
  9. “Monday is an awful way to spend 1/7th of your life.” — Steven Wright
  10. “Monday is the day when you start counting down to the weekend.”
  11. “Mondays are tough only for those people who don’t know how to spend them cheerfully.”
  12. “Monday: I’m here to steal your sunshine.”
  13. “If each day is a gift, I’d like to know where I can return Mondays.”
  14. “The only thing worse than a Monday is a Monday after a holiday.”
  15. “Don’t let Monday take up too much of your Sunday.”
  16. “Keep calm and pretend it’s not Monday.”
  17. “Mondays are like Mondays, only shorter.”
  18. “The hardest thing about Monday is waking up.”
  19. “Monday is a reminder that life just keeps happening.”
  20. “Dear Monday, go step on a Lego.”
  21. “Monday is a fresh start. It’s a shame it starts with a whole lot of work.”
  22. “Monday is like a math problem. Add the irritation, subtract the sleep, multiply the problems, divide the happiness.”
  23. “Monday: I hate you, I love you, I hate that I love you.”
  24. “Even my cat hates Mondays.”
  25. “Monday is an excellent opportunity to become the person you were too lazy to be last week.”
  26. “New week, same goals. Let’s crush Monday!”
  27. “Monday checklist: coffee, coffee, coffee.”
  28. “On Mondays, my coffee is medicinal.”
  29. “Mondays: When your weekend goes on a business trip.”
  30. “If Monday had a face, I’d punch it.”
  31. “Monday is proof that weekend wasn’t long enough.”
  32. “The only thing good about Monday is that it’s the furthest away from the next Monday.”
  33. “Monday is like a toddler; it comes at you with endless questions and energy.”
  34. “Mondays are like hangovers; they’re only enjoyable when they’re over.”
  35. “Monday is like a bum note in an otherwise harmonious symphony.”
  36. “Monday, I see you’re back again. How about you bring Friday with you next time?”
  37. “Why is Monday so far from Friday and Friday so close to Monday?”
  38. “Dear Monday, I want to break up. I’m seeing Tuesday and dreaming about Friday.”
  39. “Mondays are the speed bumps in the road of life.”
  40. “Coffee: because Monday happens every week.”
  41. “Monday is like the dentist. It’s inevitable, and it hurts.”
  42. “I swear it was Friday like five minutes ago.”
  43. “Monday is the start of the week, but it always feels like the end.”
  44. “Not ready to Monday.”
  45. “Monday, you’re the reason I drink.”
  46. “Monday, I’m not ready to adult today.”
  47. “Mondays are bad only for those who think they’re going to work. Rest of us just know we have to do it.”
  48. “Monday, can we have a do-over?”
  49. “Monday: a fresh start with new problems to solve.”
  50. “Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, blink, it’s Monday again.”
  51. “Mondays are for strong coffee and even stronger will.”
  52. “If Monday was a movie, it would be a horror film.”
  53. “When life gives you Mondays, dip it in glitter and sparkle all day.”
  54. “Monday: the reason coffee exists.”
  55. “Monday is the reality check that Friday’s dream was an illusion.”
  56. “Let’s start the Monday with positive vibes. Just kidding, it’s Monday.”
  57. “Monday mornings are the worst. The only thing worse is not having a Monday morning to wake up to.”
  58. “Monday morning blues? Sleep it off. Wake up on Tuesday.”
  59. “Monday is like a cold shower—shocking, uncomfortable, and absolutely necessary.”
  60. “Monday is like a slice of bread: plain, dry, and kind of boring.”
  61. “Monday is the first five minutes of your favorite song, and the radio cuts out.”
  62. “Dear Monday, I think you should take a vacation. Trust me, no one will miss you.”
  63. “Monday is a reminder that life is not a weekend.”
  64. “Mondays are great for becoming too tired for the rest of the week.”
  65. “Monday: The start of a new week, or as I like to call it, the start of my breakdown.”
  66. “It’s Monday, time to motivate and make dreams happen. Or at least get out of bed.”
  67. “The only thing good about Monday is that it’s over.”
  68. “Monday: Fresh start or a repeat of last week? We’ll see.”
  69. “Hello Monday, let’s do this! But first, coffee.”
  70. “Monday is a reminder that weekends are temporary.”
  71. “Monday, why are you here so soon?”
  72. “Monday is like a mosquito. You know it’s coming, and it’s always annoying.”
  73. “If Monday had a flavor, it would be coffee and regret.”
  74. “Monday is the day you realize that time flies… except for the hours between 9 and 5.”
  75. “Monday is like a stale piece of bread: you know it’s not good, but you eat it anyway.”
  76. “Mondays: when Sunday’s hangover meets reality.”
  77. “Let’s face it, Monday. We don’t like you, and you don’t like us.”
  78. “Monday is the cruelest of all days.”
  79. “Monday morning motivation: remember, the faster you get through it, the faster it’s over.”
  80. “Monday: the gateway to the weekend.”
  81. “Monday, don’t be so full of yourself. You’re just a day.”
  82. “Monday is like a misfired email: nobody wants it, but we all get it.”
  83. “Monday is the alarm clock you can’t snooze.”
  84. “If Monday were shoes, they’d be Crocs.”
  85. “Mondays are like a diet: hard to start and hard to stick to.”
  86. “Monday is a good day to remind yourself that you’re awesome.”
  87. “Monday is the day you start the week with a plan, and by lunch, you’re already off course.”
  88. “Monday, let’s make a deal. You stay away, and I’ll stay sane.”
  89. “Mondays are the speed bumps in the road to Friday.”
  90. “Monday is a clean slate. It’s a pity it’s written in coffee stains.”
  91. “Monday: The day of scattered thoughts and shattered dreams.”
  92. “Mondays are proof that even the universe has a sense of humor.”
  93. “Monday is like that guest who never knows when to leave.”
  94. “Mondays are like the second pancake: still good, but not the best.”
  95. “Monday is the start of the workweek, but it feels like the end of the world.”
  96. “Monday is the equivalent of a splinter in your finger.”
  97. “If Monday was a person, I would sue them for emotional distress.”
  98. “Monday is the fine you pay for living your life on the weekend.”
  99. “Monday, I don’t mean to be rude, but could you please take a hike?”
  100. “Monday is the reminder that work doesn’t just happen on Fridays.”

These quotes should help you face Monday with a smile (or at least a smirk).

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