Top 100 Best funny Monday work quotes
Here are 100 of the best funny Monday work quotes to lighten up the start of your workweek:
- “Mondays are the potholes in the road of life.” — Tom Wilson
- “Dear Monday, my mama doesn’t like you, and she likes everyone.”
- “Monday is a basic reminder that your weekend is over.”
- “Monday is the day that my coffee needs coffee.”
- “Mondays are for people with a mission. Happy Monday, everyone!”
- “That moment when you think it’s Sunday but it’s actually Monday.”
- “Mondays are the start of the workweek which offer new beginnings 52 times a year!”
- “This is your Monday morning reminder that you can handle whatever this week throws at you.”
- “Monday is an awful way to spend 1/7th of your life.” — Steven Wright
- “Monday is the day when you start counting down to the weekend.”
- “Mondays are tough only for those people who don’t know how to spend them cheerfully.”
- “Monday: I’m here to steal your sunshine.”
- “If each day is a gift, I’d like to know where I can return Mondays.”
- “The only thing worse than a Monday is a Monday after a holiday.”
- “Don’t let Monday take up too much of your Sunday.”
- “Keep calm and pretend it’s not Monday.”
- “Mondays are like Mondays, only shorter.”
- “The hardest thing about Monday is waking up.”
- “Monday is a reminder that life just keeps happening.”
- “Dear Monday, go step on a Lego.”
- “Monday is a fresh start. It’s a shame it starts with a whole lot of work.”
- “Monday is like a math problem. Add the irritation, subtract the sleep, multiply the problems, divide the happiness.”
- “Monday: I hate you, I love you, I hate that I love you.”
- “Even my cat hates Mondays.”
- “Monday is an excellent opportunity to become the person you were too lazy to be last week.”
- “New week, same goals. Let’s crush Monday!”
- “Monday checklist: coffee, coffee, coffee.”
- “On Mondays, my coffee is medicinal.”
- “Mondays: When your weekend goes on a business trip.”
- “If Monday had a face, I’d punch it.”
- “Monday is proof that weekend wasn’t long enough.”
- “The only thing good about Monday is that it’s the furthest away from the next Monday.”
- “Monday is like a toddler; it comes at you with endless questions and energy.”
- “Mondays are like hangovers; they’re only enjoyable when they’re over.”
- “Monday is like a bum note in an otherwise harmonious symphony.”
- “Monday, I see you’re back again. How about you bring Friday with you next time?”
- “Why is Monday so far from Friday and Friday so close to Monday?”
- “Dear Monday, I want to break up. I’m seeing Tuesday and dreaming about Friday.”
- “Mondays are the speed bumps in the road of life.”
- “Coffee: because Monday happens every week.”
- “Monday is like the dentist. It’s inevitable, and it hurts.”
- “I swear it was Friday like five minutes ago.”
- “Monday is the start of the week, but it always feels like the end.”
- “Not ready to Monday.”
- “Monday, you’re the reason I drink.”
- “Monday, I’m not ready to adult today.”
- “Mondays are bad only for those who think they’re going to work. Rest of us just know we have to do it.”
- “Monday, can we have a do-over?”
- “Monday: a fresh start with new problems to solve.”
- “Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, blink, it’s Monday again.”
- “Mondays are for strong coffee and even stronger will.”
- “If Monday was a movie, it would be a horror film.”
- “When life gives you Mondays, dip it in glitter and sparkle all day.”
- “Monday: the reason coffee exists.”
- “Monday is the reality check that Friday’s dream was an illusion.”
- “Let’s start the Monday with positive vibes. Just kidding, it’s Monday.”
- “Monday mornings are the worst. The only thing worse is not having a Monday morning to wake up to.”
- “Monday morning blues? Sleep it off. Wake up on Tuesday.”
- “Monday is like a cold shower—shocking, uncomfortable, and absolutely necessary.”
- “Monday is like a slice of bread: plain, dry, and kind of boring.”
- “Monday is the first five minutes of your favorite song, and the radio cuts out.”
- “Dear Monday, I think you should take a vacation. Trust me, no one will miss you.”
- “Monday is a reminder that life is not a weekend.”
- “Mondays are great for becoming too tired for the rest of the week.”
- “Monday: The start of a new week, or as I like to call it, the start of my breakdown.”
- “It’s Monday, time to motivate and make dreams happen. Or at least get out of bed.”
- “The only thing good about Monday is that it’s over.”
- “Monday: Fresh start or a repeat of last week? We’ll see.”
- “Hello Monday, let’s do this! But first, coffee.”
- “Monday is a reminder that weekends are temporary.”
- “Monday, why are you here so soon?”
- “Monday is like a mosquito. You know it’s coming, and it’s always annoying.”
- “If Monday had a flavor, it would be coffee and regret.”
- “Monday is the day you realize that time flies… except for the hours between 9 and 5.”
- “Monday is like a stale piece of bread: you know it’s not good, but you eat it anyway.”
- “Mondays: when Sunday’s hangover meets reality.”
- “Let’s face it, Monday. We don’t like you, and you don’t like us.”
- “Monday is the cruelest of all days.”
- “Monday morning motivation: remember, the faster you get through it, the faster it’s over.”
- “Monday: the gateway to the weekend.”
- “Monday, don’t be so full of yourself. You’re just a day.”
- “Monday is like a misfired email: nobody wants it, but we all get it.”
- “Monday is the alarm clock you can’t snooze.”
- “If Monday were shoes, they’d be Crocs.”
- “Mondays are like a diet: hard to start and hard to stick to.”
- “Monday is a good day to remind yourself that you’re awesome.”
- “Monday is the day you start the week with a plan, and by lunch, you’re already off course.”
- “Monday, let’s make a deal. You stay away, and I’ll stay sane.”
- “Mondays are the speed bumps in the road to Friday.”
- “Monday is a clean slate. It’s a pity it’s written in coffee stains.”
- “Monday: The day of scattered thoughts and shattered dreams.”
- “Mondays are proof that even the universe has a sense of humor.”
- “Monday is like that guest who never knows when to leave.”
- “Mondays are like the second pancake: still good, but not the best.”
- “Monday is the start of the workweek, but it feels like the end of the world.”
- “Monday is the equivalent of a splinter in your finger.”
- “If Monday was a person, I would sue them for emotional distress.”
- “Monday is the fine you pay for living your life on the weekend.”
- “Monday, I don’t mean to be rude, but could you please take a hike?”
- “Monday is the reminder that work doesn’t just happen on Fridays.”
These quotes should help you face Monday with a smile (or at least a smirk).