Top 100 Best Monday morning humor quotes

Here are 100 of the best Monday morning humor quotes to help you start the week with a smile:

  1. “Monday is the perfect day to correct last week’s mistakes.”
  2. “Monday mornings are the start of the workweek which offers new beginnings 52 times a year!”
  3. “Dear Monday, you left me no choice but to go on a coffee spree.”
  4. “Monday morning coffee is the only reason we survive.”
  5. “I swear it was Friday like five minutes ago.”
  6. “I really need a day between Sunday and Monday.”
  7. “It’s Monday, and I’m already 95% done with this week.”
  8. “The biggest lie I tell myself every Monday is that I’ll wake up early.”
  9. “Monday mornings are like a big slap in the face.”
  10. “Monday morning blues? More like Monday morning blahs!”
  11. “Just once, I’d like to wake up, turn on the news, and hear, ‘Monday has been canceled, go back to sleep.’”
  12. “Mondays are the reason weekends are awesome.”
  13. “Monday mornings are the worst… until you realize that’s when the fresh coffee is made.”
  14. “Monday: the day when even coffee needs a coffee.”
  15. “Why is Monday so far from Friday but Friday so close to Monday?”
  16. “Monday is like a math problem. Add the stress, subtract the sleep, multiply the problems, divide the happiness.”
  17. “May your coffee be strong and your Monday be short.”
  18. “Monday: The day I start my weekly battle with four days to freedom.”
  19. “Not sure if I hate Mondays or if Mondays hate me.”
  20. “Monday is a reminder that life is unfair.”
  21. “It’s Monday, time to motivate and make dreams and goals happen.”
  22. “There should be a holiday dedicated to all the brave souls who show up to work on Mondays.”
  23. “Monday is like a serial killer that shows up in every horror movie.”
  24. “Dear Monday, I think you and I need to break up.”
  25. “Mondays are the potholes in the road of life.”
  26. “Monday morning: the moment you realize the weekend is over.”
  27. “Starting the day with coffee and a smile—because it’s Monday and I need both.”
  28. “Monday, why you gotta be so Monday?”
  29. “There’s nothing quite like the sound of no alarms on a Sunday… until Monday morning rolls around.”
  30. “If Monday had a face, I’d punch it.”
  31. “Mondays are just mini-hells in disguise.”
  32. “The only thing good about Monday morning is that it’s gone by noon.”
  33. “Monday is the day that the Lord has made. But I wish He’d taken the day off.”
  34. “Monday, we meet again. Let’s not make this a habit.”
  35. “When life gives you Monday, dip it in glitter and sparkle all day.”
  36. “Monday is the root of all evil.”
  37. “Monday: The day I start my diet… until lunch.”
  38. “Is it Monday already? I need more coffee!”
  39. “Just once, I’d like a Monday to be a day of the weekend.”
  40. “Monday mornings wouldn’t be so bad if they came with a snooze button.”
  41. “Monday is an awful way to spend 1/7th of your life.”
  42. “Monday mornings are when the coffee needs coffee.”
  43. “Dear Monday, could you wait a little longer before showing up? I’m not ready.”
  44. “I survived Monday, and all I got was this lousy headache.”
  45. “Hello Monday. May I ask you a question? Why are you always back so quickly?”
  46. “Monday is the day to unleash the other 99% of me that was too lazy to work last week.”
  47. “Happy Monday! Or as I like to call it: pre-pre-Friday!”
  48. “Why does Monday always come so fast?”
  49. “Monday: Back to work, back to reality, back to coffee.”
  50. “I need something more than coffee, but less than a Monday.”
  51. “Monday is a fresh start. It’s also a new day to faceplant into your keyboard.”
  52. “Monday, you’re like a reset button for my laziness.”
  53. “Monday mornings are nature’s way of telling you to make the most of your weekend.”
  54. “Dear Monday, I’d like you better if you were Friday.”
  55. “Monday mornings are like getting out of a warm bed into a cold shower.”
  56. “Monday is the day that the Lord has made. Rejoice and be glad in it—after coffee.”
  57. “Monday: May your coffee be strong and your workday short.”
  58. “Monday mornings: because weekends are overrated.”
  59. “I didn’t realize it was Monday until my coffee ran out.”
  60. “Monday morning is when my bed becomes the warmest place in the universe.”
  61. “Monday is the reason for all the coffee in the world.”
  62. “Monday mornings are rough. Even my bed is protesting.”
  63. “Monday: The only day I can wear ‘I hate Mondays’ t-shirts.”
  64. “It’s Monday, but it’s also a new day, a new week, and in that lies a new opportunity for something special to happen.”
  65. “The first five days after the weekend are always the hardest.”
  66. “Monday, I’m not ready for you.”
  67. “I wish there was a way to fast-forward through Mondays.”
  68. “Monday is the start of a new week, which means new opportunities to sleep in.”
  69. “If Monday was a person, I’d have a restraining order against it.”
  70. “Monday mornings wouldn’t be so bad if it wasn’t for Mondays.”
  71. “It’s Monday! Just remember, Friday is only four days away.”
  72. “It’s Monday. Time to sparkle and make this week awesome!”
  73. “Monday is the day when I start making my resolutions for next weekend.”
  74. “Monday mornings are made for coffee and contemplation.”
  75. “Monday is the reason why I drink three cups of coffee instead of one.”
  76. “Monday is like a math problem: Add the stress, subtract the sleep, multiply the problems, divide the happiness.”
  77. “If Monday was a hairstyle, it would be a bad hair day.”
  78. “Monday morning: Because sometimes the best part of waking up is going back to bed.”
  79. “Monday, I wish I could break up with you.”
  80. “Monday mornings are like speed bumps on the road to Friday.”
  81. “Monday is the reason I need extra caffeine.”
  82. “Monday: A fresh start, a new perspective, and an extra cup of coffee.”
  83. “Monday mornings: Because coffee doesn’t drink itself.”
  84. “I didn’t ask for this Monday. It just showed up like it owns the place.”
  85. “Monday: The perfect time to reboot your week… or hit snooze one more time.”
  86. “Monday morning thoughts: Coffee and stay calm.”
  87. “Monday is a reminder that life is unfair.”
  88. “If Monday had a face, I’d throw a pie in it.”
  89. “Monday mornings are the start of a new week of staying awake in meetings.”
  90. “Mondays are for fresh starts and long yawns.”
  91. “Mondays wouldn’t be so bad if they didn’t come after weekends.”
  92. “Monday morning, why are you always so… Monday?”
  93. “Monday mornings: because sleep is for the weak.”
  94. “Monday is the day when the world says, ‘Let’s do this!’ and I say, ‘But why?’”
  95. “Monday mornings are like a bucket of cold water to the face.”
  96. “Monday: The day you need more coffee than usual.”
  97. “Monday is the start of a new week, which means new opportunities to nap at work.”
  98. “Monday morning: Because the weekend was too short.”
  99. “Monday: When the coffee kicks in and you realize you can do this.”
  100. “Monday mornings are for coffee, contemplation, and more coffee.”

These quotes are perfect for injecting some humor into the typically dreaded Monday morning!

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