Top 100 Best monday quotes funny

Here are 100 funny quotes about Monday to help you start the week with a smile:

  1. “Mondays are the start of the workweek, which offer new beginnings 52 times a year!” — David Dweck
  2. “Mondays are for people with a mission. So make sure you wake up and go to sleep with a purpose.”
  3. “If Monday had a face, I’d punch it.”
  4. “Monday is a basic start to the week, so it deserves a basic coffee order.”
  5. “Dear Monday, I think you should take a vacation. Believe me, no one will miss you.”
  6. “It’s Monday, time to take over the world… or hit snooze one more time.”
  7. “Monday is just a reminder that the weekend has passed, and there are only a few more days before another weekend gets here.”
  8. “The worst thing about Sunday is knowing that tomorrow is Monday.”
  9. “Mondays are the potholes in the road of life.”
  10. “Monday is like a math problem. Add the irritation, subtract the sleep, multiply the problems, divide the happiness.”
  11. “I haven’t had this bad a Monday since last Monday.”
  12. “Monday, why are you here again? I thought I got rid of you last week.”
  13. “Monday: Nothing a bit of chocolate can’t fix.”
  14. “That feeling when you realize it’s Monday and you have to adult all over again.”
  15. “Monday is like a soap opera: You watch it unfold, but you can’t look away.”
  16. “Let’s have a moment of silence for all the things I had planned for this weekend that didn’t happen.”
  17. “Monday is the day that keeps me employed.”
  18. “I hate mornings, and Mondays are just extra morning-y.”
  19. “Monday, nothing a few memes can’t make better.”
  20. “Why is Monday so far from Friday and Friday so close to Monday?”
  21. “The biggest horror story on Monday: waking up!”
  22. “On Monday, we coffee hard.”
  23. “Monday: The day I drink coffee while trying to make it through the workweek.”
  24. “Monday, I’m 90% coffee and 10% dry shampoo.”
  25. “It’s Monday, which means I’m 50% human, 50% coffee.”
  26. “Mondays wouldn’t be so bad if they started later in the day.”
  27. “Monday mornings should be optional.”
  28. “Why does Monday morning always come so quickly?”
  29. “Monday, you’re like a sloth in a world full of cheetahs.”
  30. “May your coffee be strong and your Monday be short.”
  31. “I love Mondays like I love getting a root canal.”
  32. “This is the Mondayest Monday that ever Mondayed.”
  33. “New week, same Monday blues.”
  34. “Happy Monday! May your coffee be hot and your eyeliner even.”
  35. “Monday is the perfect day to correct last week’s mistakes.”
  36. “Mondays are tough. My hair hasn’t even been brushed yet.”
  37. “That awkward moment when you realize it’s Monday and your clothes aren’t ironed.”
  38. “When life gives you Mondays, dip it in glitter and sparkle all day.”
  39. “Mondays are for fresh starts… said no one ever.”
  40. “Monday, you’re a monster.”
  41. “Monday checklist: coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee.”
  42. “Mondays are made of stress, sarcasm, and a sprinkle of caffeine.”
  43. “If each day is a gift, I’d like to return Monday.”
  44. “If Monday was a person, it would be that person who just doesn’t get the hint.”
  45. “Monday: Not a word, just an emotion.”
  46. “I need something that’s more than coffee but less than cocaine to deal with Monday.”
  47. “Hello, Monday. We meet again.”
  48. “Mondays should come with a warning: Proceed with caution.”
  49. “Dear Monday, I’m ready for you. But I wish you were Friday.”
  50. “I survived Monday and all I got was this lousy attitude.”
  51. “Monday, we will get through this together with the power of coffee.”
  52. “Monday mood: Do not disturb.”
  53. “Monday is the perfect day to start a new habit… like staying in bed all day.”
  54. “Monday, I’ve got nothing against you except for the fact that you exist.”
  55. “Mondays are the reason why Tuesdays get so much hate.”
  56. “Can Monday and I have a long-distance relationship?”
  57. “Monday: the first 5 days after the weekend are the hardest.”
  58. “Monday, your 5-day restraining order is not enough.”
  59. “I could have sworn it was Friday like 5 minutes ago.”
  60. “Monday: Because reality and the weekend can’t exist together.”
  61. “I didn’t sign up for a full-time adult job. I want the part-time hours with full-time pay.”
  62. “Monday mornings: when the coffee is hot, the hair is a mess, and motivation is non-existent.”
  63. “Monday, can you not?”
  64. “Monday, I wish you were as short as my temper today.”
  65. “It’s Monday. Time to take over the world… again.”
  66. “Monday is a state of mind.”
  67. “I believe in taking naps on Mondays to survive the week.”
  68. “Monday, I thought I broke up with you.”
  69. “Monday, you sneaky little beast.”
  70. “Monday, you are the alarm clock of the week.”
  71. “Why can’t Monday be a little more Friday?”
  72. “Monday is the evil stepmother of the week.”
  73. “Monday: You can’t scare me, I survived Sunday!”
  74. “It’s Monday! Just kidding, I’m still in denial.”
  75. “The hardest part of today is realizing it’s only Monday.”
  76. “Monday: Just another word for ‘nope.'”
  77. “Monday is an awful way to spend 1/7th of your life.”
  78. “Monday’s motto: Keep calm and pretend it’s not Monday.”
  79. “Whoever invented Mondays needs a serious talking to.”
  80. “Monday, I’m just not that into you.”
  81. “Monday: Official sponsor of the ‘just one more coffee’ club.”
  82. “Monday, you remind me of a hangover: unwanted and painful.”
  83. “Is it Monday already? Because I’m not ready.”
  84. “Monday is a fresh start… of suffering.”
  85. “Mondays: Because adulting is hard.”
  86. “Monday, you’re giving me Friday vibes, and I’m not falling for it.”
  87. “Today is Monday, which means that I will be all over the place.”
  88. “I’m not lazy, I’m just on energy-saving mode for Monday.”
  89. “Monday is the reason I drink coffee all day.”
  90. “Monday: The only day I feel human is when I’m drinking coffee.”
  91. “If Monday had a playlist, it would be filled with sad songs.”
  92. “Monday is the day when everything feels impossible.”
  93. “Monday, let’s get this over with quickly.”
  94. “Monday, you don’t scare me. I’ve survived you many times before.”
  95. “Monday is a reminder that I’m not ready for Monday.”
  96. “Monday: the first step towards the weekend.”
  97. “Monday, just pretend you’re a little more Friday.”
  98. “Is it Monday? Yes? Then let’s get this over with.”
  99. “If Monday was a person, it would be the most annoying person ever.”
  100. “Monday is here to remind us that coffee is life.”

These quotes are sure to bring a bit of humor to the start of your week!

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